Devgamm Lisbon, Portugal – November 2023

As I walked through the doors of the Oitavos Hotel in Cascais, I felt a rush of anticipation. DevGAMM Lisbon 2023 was set to be a convergence of creative minds from the gaming industry, and I was honored to be part of it. With over 40 experts sharing their insights, the event promised to be a memorable one.

My session, “Creating Memorable Moments in Video Games,” was a topic close to my heart. I shared my insights into the art of crafting moments in games that stay with players long after they’ve finished playing. The key, I believe, is in the subtle blend of narrative, gameplay mechanics, and emotional engagement.

Another highlight for me was participating in the panel on “The Triumphs and Challenges of AAA Development.” Here, I joined fellow industry veterans to discuss the complexities of creating large-scale games. We delved into topics like managing teams across continents, balancing creative vision with technical limitations, and the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity. This panel was not just a discussion; it was a sharing of collective wisdom gained through years of triumphs and setbacks.

These opportunities to connect, share, and learn are what make events like DevGAMM so vital to our industry’s growth. As I reflect on my time in Lisbon, I’m filled with gratitude for the conversations, the new connections, and the renewed inspiration I’m taking back to my work.